Monday, January 8, 2007

Appreciation Increaser


How many times do notice something admirable about someone, but don't convey your thoughts to them?

I am going to compliment people more often. Too many times I observe something admirable in someone, but never share it with them.

Last night I was able to put this in practice. I was brushing my teeth when I started reflecting on how much more pros vs cons I have in my life. I let my wife know that I felt blessed that we both share the same goals, I was taken that for granted. We both dream unrealistically and we both have just enough foolishness in us, to believe these things are attainable. We have dreams some people would laugh at. If people aren't laughing at your dreams, then you may be selling your self short . Maybe your happy with just finishing the race. Maybe God hasn't proven himself to you. Maybe you only trust God when your put into a situation where you need to.

The truth is we all take something for granted. I plan not to accept this reality because when you aim for reality, you usually fall far from outstanding.
This is my first entry on the "outlived Weekly" blog .

Stay Grateful!